(So says the girl who hasn’t had a cookie for a very long time.As you know, the main purpose of fat bombs is to increase your fat. Oh how I hope you like the Fat Bombs as much as I do. These Fat Bombs make eating good fats extremely fun and happy, and they only take a few minutes to stir together. I always forget this, but I think it’s so cool.) It helps us have healthy skin, as well as helps our other organs to be protected.It helps our bodies use Vitamins A, D, E, and K.(So don’t eat fat if you prefer to be lethargic.) (As opposed to empty carbs or bad fats that tell your body that you need more in order to be satisfied, so we tend to over eat them.) Why Good Fat is Good
Then I stay full for a couple of hours, which is great because I typically need to eat little bits all day long. But by the time I finish the one, I am full and satisfied, ready to stop eating. After two bites I always think that I will finish one and enjoy a second because I’m loving it so much. Take it from me.įun Fat Fact: It’s hard to over-eat these. Keep them cold and eat them directly out of the fridge. Note: These do not taste as yummy when they are room temp. Isn’t it happy irony that these also have protein in them? It’s like I’m getting a two for one on needed nutrients here. So far I’ve only made a Chocolate Peanut Butter variety but a little Pinterest searching told me there are other kinds that I should try. But the stevia-only treats? They are not fans.īut as for me, I’m loving the Fat Bombs. I’ve cut down the sugar drastically in our household, and they’ve barely noticed and are just fine with muffins, cookies, and cakes with the sugar cut down. My husband is totally digging my sugarless, stevia-sweetened or otherwise very low sugar treats. This is how things normally work with my family now. You will offer them to your family, saying something like, “These are so amazing!!!! You won’t like them, though.” But if you appreciate the need to cut back on sugar and you prepare yourself for a lightly sweetened peanut butter chocolate treat, you will bite in and be so happy that you get to eat many bites before it’s gone. Yes, you will be so, so happy. Now, first, a warning: If you are expecting these to taste super sweet like a piece of Christmas fudge or an actual peanut butter cup, you will be disappointed. I am here to share the recipe so that you, too, can make Fat Bombs. They are kind of a cross between a Peanut Butter Cup and a Huge Piece of Fudge.

So ALL IS FORGIVEN.Įveryone else can have their sugary cakes and cookies and I don’t even care because I get to eat Fat Bombs. I’d be mad at my hormones and blood sugar and adrenals about all of this, but my quest to find wellness for all of these led me to find out about these Fat Bombs. Cream in my coffee? Sure, but I’m trying to cut back on caffeine too (prayers welcome). I can stir some butter into my veggies, but that’s still not very much fat. But I’m no longer eating many baked goods. See here’s the funny thing: I find that I mostly use butter and coconut oil in baked goods. I’ve tried eating spoonfuls of coconut oil, but it’s just weird and I don’t love it. But I have been realizing that getting plenty of fat is a little bit more difficult (beyond what is naturally in the meat I’m being forced to eat). Everything keeps pointing me back to “eat a lot of protein” and “eat a lot of good fats.” Hey, you don’t have to tell me twice. Well, I’ve been reading and studying more about regulating my hormones and blood sugar and keeping my adrenals functioning well – you know. But the biggest question is: why would I try to see how I could add more fat to my diet? Have you ever even heard of Fat Bombs? I sure hadn’t. You have no idea how happy I am to share these with you! But instead, they are full of so much good nourishment! Your day just took a turn for the better. They look like something terribly naughty. A few weeks ago while researching how I could add more fat into my diet, I came across this recipe for Fat Bombs.